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Rebecca Bugas
Is OVERTIME good or bad? Your plant DNA can determine your overtime sweet spot.
#threecircles #businessneeds #employeedesires #overtime #schedules #workforcemanagement
Marco Juarez
Alternative Work Schedules can give employees more days off and the same pay.
With a traditional eight hour workday, employees typically get 13 weekends off per year. But Coleman Consulting Group has overhauled...
Rebecca Bugas
Is OVERTIME good or bad? Your plant DNA can determine your overtime sweet spot.
#threecircles #businessneeds #employeedesires #overtime #Workforce #schedules
Vicente Juarez
On site in NY, manufucturing is alive and well thanks to employees who care
Three weeks have passed since the beginning of my internship here at Coleman Consulting Group. I am learning the different dynamics of...
Vicente Juarez
Expectations of an Intern
For nearly 16 years, I had no idea what a consultant did. All I knew is that they helped companies improve. I learned from my dad, a...
Frank Pereira
How to create a better Workplace for Working Parents
Now more than ever, there needs to be an emphasis on flexibility for working parents. Not only are they a larger share of today’s...
Marco Juarez
The best shift solutions for the best in tile
I’ve been designing and implementing shift schedules for over 20 years. I get excited every time I have the opportunity to design...
Frank Pereira
The Power of the Right Schedule
We often say at Coleman Consulting Group that a schedule is not about your day on and day off pattern or your shift length. Schedules are...
Marco Juarez
Holiday Work/Life Balance – A Non-Traditional, Traditional Thanksgiving
I have really had to learn to bring balance to my life. I admit that not so long ago I was a workaholic. I still am to some extent, but I...
Marco Juarez
More Capacity – More Days Off – Happy Employees – Win, Win Win!!!
I love it when we make a real difference for both the employee and the company! This story starts out like so many others in...
Frank Pereira
Employee Retention is Sometimes About Just Listening
This week I visited with managers from one of our multi-site customers. Spread across North America, this organization provides services...
Frank Pereira
Back to school thoughts on Work/Life balance
Now that the summer is nearly over, many parents are getting ready for school. For many people, this tends to be a high demand period...
Marco Juarez
Schedules Can Be Very Flexible and Predictable at the Same Time
Are you one of those companies that has been using overtime to cover the increased demand for your product or service? Or maybe you added...
Frank Pereira
I "Worked" the Night Shift in Alaska
Our bodies body’s Circadian Rhythm, or biological clock, is controlled by a bundle of cells (the hypothalamus) atop the bridge of the...
Marco Juarez
We are heading to #SHRM18
Are you going to SHRM 2018 Annual Conference & Exposition in Chicago?
Marco Juarez
Giving Employees Rest and Lunch Breaks is Costing Millions
Before you jump to conclusions, the title of this blog post isn’t implying that employees shouldn’t be given rest and lunch breaks. Yes,...
Frank Pereira and Marco Juarez
A Healthy and Safe Schedule is About More Than Just Work
Is scheduling having an impact on workplace fatigue and accident rates?
Frank Pereira and Marco Juarez
The Power of the Right Schedule
Over the years, many of the employees I meet have said, “I work to live, not live to work.” I think that is true of most people. We work...
Marco Juarez
What is the Best Schedule?
The question I am repeatedly asked as a shift schedule consultant is, “What is the best schedule?” I have an answer to that question, but...
Marco Juarez
A Conversation with Our Managing Partner
#worklifebalance #shiftwork #businessneeds #threecircles #employeedesires #shiftlength
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